Varicosis, Cosmetic and Laser Center
Varicosis, Cosmetic and Laser Center
3055 Lorna Road, Suite 210
Hoover, Alabama 35216
822-6333 or 1-800-536-VEIN (8346)
Fax 822-6788
Hours: Monday – Friday from 8:00-5:00
Excess Hair
If you are a man or a woman and have excess or unwanted hair, the new advanced laser hair removal is the approach to beautiful skin. The process is simple and faster than any other treatment available. It gives you longer lasting results than any other hair removal method.
How does the process work?
To better understand the process, you need to understand hair growth.
Many factors influence the growth of hair, such as age, weight, ethnicity and medications. Hair also grows in cycles and that is why it is hard to predict how many treatments the individual will have in order to achieve the best effects. Laser hair removal is achieved by passing the laser light over the treated area. This process ensures easy treatment of large areas at one time without great discomfort
Is the laser hair removal permanent?
Laser actually slows the process of growth by disabling the hair follicles. The best results are achieved with multiple treatments (usually four to six treatments). You can have a significant regrowth of hair within one year period.
Is the laser hair removal similar to electrolysis?
No, the laser procedure is much faster and significantly less painful in comparison to electrolysis. It could be compared to a rubber band snapping or a warmth sensation. Each of us is different, however some areas are more sensitive than others. Advance laser technology gives you the reassurance of hair removal that is convenient, fast, effective, and safe. When talking about safety, the YAG laser has been used by physicians for about ten years without any major long term side-effects. Now you can feel confident having smoother and silkier
